Our Story

The Team

TigerLady was developed and refined over the course of three generations, beginning with the basic design originally patented in 1978 by Al Levine. Al's son, Jeffrey, working with his wife Linda and his two sons and their wives, refined and re-designed TigerLady, filed a patent application on the new design, and together, will ensure that this unique self-defense tool has an opportunity to help shift the balance of power. Further, the Levine family is proud to say that their product, TigerLady, is made entirely in the USA, and assembled by disabled veterans.

Alfred Levine TigerLady Inventor

The Product

TigerLady is a discreet self-protection device. Modeled after the defense of a cat’s retractable claws, this self-defense tool works by enhancing the most primal of defensive movements — scratching.

TigerLady is small enough to fit in your pocket or your purse, and it's so lightweight you won't mind adding it to your everyday carry. Unlike other self-defense options, TigerLady will never need batteries, and it won't expire. TigerLady is lightweight, subtle, and effective. Best of all, TigerLady requires no training to use.

With TigerLady in hand, make a fist to expose three claws between your fingers. Now, you're ready for anything. Channels on the inside of the retractable claws are designed to capture skin and DNA so you don't need to see your assailant to make a positive ID.

Hold TigerLady in your hand instead of your phone, and you'll notice that you're alert and aware of your surroundings, and focused on getting to your destination safely. It's something you know, that nobody else knows. Holding TigerLady immediately delivers a feeling of quiet confidence.

The White House reports that 1 in 5 women will be assaulted during their time in college, and this figure does not even begin to describe the abuse that occurs to women outside of college campuses, and around the world. It’s time to shift the balance of power, and TigerLady is here to help.